Tools to Enhance Engagement and Flexibility

The end of COVID restrictions doesn’t mean a complete return to pre-pandemic organizational structures. Many workplaces are permanently offering a mix of in-person and remote work to ensure they can hire and keep high-performing employees.

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BPM Link: A Convenient Solution for Hybrid Offices

As an employee-propelled engagement tool, BPM Link is the ideal hybrid communications solution that works for everyone on your team. It puts employees in the driver’s seat, and because it emphasizes transparency across the organization, it ensures employees feel part of the team and remain motivated, no matter where their desks may be. Our software:

  • Engages existing employees and easily integrates new ones
  • Shows team members how their individual goals fit into the organization’s vision
  • Keeps morale high
  • Makes it easy to set goals and monitor the progress of them
  • Simplifies communication and makes it easy organization-wide
See BPM Link In Action

Let Employees Decide How They Work Best

Today’s team members want to be included and feel as though their opinions matter, regardless of the physical setting in which they work. A well-coordinated organizational structure is crucial for keeping these employees productive and motivated, and that can be a challenge for organizations offering hybrid options for the first time — especially if they don’t have a strong remote employee engagement software solution in their back pocket.

Why Go Hybrid?

There are a lot of reasons why workplaces might decide to switch to a hybrid approach. Some may have discovered that certain team members are more productive working from home. Others may have new remote work infrastructure that they didn’t have prior to the pandemic. Still others may be looking to smooth the transition to all-remote should a resurgence of COVID — or some other factor altogether — require it.

The question then becomes: How do you ensure your hybrid organization maintains its productivity and employee morale?

What Does Your Workforce Need Help With?

Priorities for Managers of Hybrid Workforces

To maximize your retention and recruiting efforts in a hybrid setting, it’s important to be in tune with team members’ wants. The goals of hybrid workforce managers should include:

  • Deepening connections between team members and the company’s goals
  • Developing a sense of shared purpose
  • Showing employees (both remote and in-person) that their opinions are valued
  • Soliciting input regularly over time and initiating regular discussions
  • Clarifying expectations of employees
  • Standardizing the onboarding process
  • Working with employees to learn their individual conditions for flourishing
  • Proactively engaging all team members
  • Establishing communication protocols so everyone has a chance to contribute

Learn More by Scheduling a Demo

Our team is happy to demonstrate how BPM Link can integrate into your organization and improve employee recruiting and retention. Sign up to schedule your demo now!
